Saturday, March 19, 2011


I'm working on becoming a runner. I've always been a runner. I've ran from a whole gamut of things throughout my life.....heartache, help, my relationship with Christ, relationships with others, at the first sign of trouble, love, pain, the truth,...gosh the list goes on & on. But I am so glad that I've finally taken up a new type of running. Running to help my body be healthy! And you know what? I'm loving it & I really look forward to it every other day.

I run in the path of your commands,

for you have broadened my understanding.
Psalm 119:32


Just Jac said...

If you run, you are a runner! I am so proud of you Pepper! You will love all the benefits of running and its a great way to show little Channing the great outdoors and a fun way to be healthy! I encourage you to keep up with it and enter into your first 5k. Its incredible the feeling you get when you cross that finish line. I only wish I was there to accompany you on a run! You go girl!

Mark and Leah Schuurman said...

I just love your blog. :)