Saturday, June 13, 2009


Font sizeMy Nana turned 70...SeVeN decades of being alive....She was born when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president, a stamp cost 3 cents, and World War II was beginning. She experienced the effects of the war when she had to move to her Grandma's house at the age of 2 with her youngest brother and her other 3 brothers, all older than her, went to stay with an Aunt so that her mom could go to Baltimore, Maryland to work in a factory for military products. She specifically remembers hearing that WWII was over on the family radio and everyone ran outside when they heard the planes flying overhead. She recalls ' everyone cheering and crying' because the end had come.

She's raised two daughters...3 if you add me into the equation. From the time that I was 8 until I moved away to college at 18, I was taken care of by my Nana.

She taught me to clean, bargain shop, cook, drive, & gosh so many more things that I don't have time to list. She's taught me so much in my life that I know I've really taken it for granted. She's given up so much in her life to be my care giver...I'm grateful. One thing she shared with me that I am most grateful for is her belief in an amazing SAVIOR. I remember her making me be at church ' every time the door was open'.

Nana & her 2 Babies

Here's to Nana. An amazing lady who has loved me very much!

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