Wednesday, June 10, 2009

cLoSing OuT another sChOOL Year!

School ended on June 10th and it is the first year in my 5 years of teaching that I have ever EnDuRED summer into the month of June! I must admit I could feel the lengthened sense of dread each morning. Not only were the students ready for the summer with 97 degree temperatures outside our door, but I was as well. With EOG's finished there is only so much students are willing to do....I had to concur and movies, checkers, & playdoh filled our last days.

Middle School is so different than Elementary School. Seeing students signing yearbooks and t-shirts reminded me so much of my own days in school. Remember signing yearbooks and pouring your heart out to people that you really thought you would see for the rest of your life and you will NEVER and HAVE never seen them again! I look back to what people wrote in my yearbook and think, "Wow...we were so oblivious to what real life was going to be like." Wonder what we would write now....
I purchased a yearbook for this year. It was really nice to read what the kids wrote to me. One of my favorites was from a young lady that had less than pleasant days in my classroom.
She wrote: ' I'm really going to miss you Mrs. Berry and I want you to know that I love you, even though I say that I don't. You've been my best teacher. Thank you'. Things like this make all the rest of teaching fade away and makes me grateful for the opportunity to teach some great kids.
I really loved them and had a great year with my first set of middle schoolers! Many of them are already texting me and telling me how much they miss me. Though I'm unemployed right now due the Budget Cuts in the state, I'm hopeful that something will work out for next year, but until God opens that door I will enjoy my summer!

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