Tuesday, April 12, 2011

where has time gone....

My sweet boy is six months old. My how quickly the time with him has passed. If only it would slow down and be as slow as the years seemed that I waited for him. He's such a joy. He draws attention wherever we go. He gives the sweetest hugs and has eyes that draw you in. His little personality is already coming out and I feel certain that this child is going to stretch me in who I am and how I think things have to be, but its something that I am so excited about. He is and continues to teach me everyday about relinquishing control. His slobbery kisses are priceless. I love that when we take naps together, I always wake up & he's touching my arm or face with his precious little hand. I love that when we are away from each other, he smiles with joy when I return. His smile melts my heart and I love every minute of being his mommy.


1 comment:

Mark and Leah Schuurman said...

Oh my gosh...boots?!?! Soooo adorable!