Saturday, April 30, 2011

mini vacay

Sometimes I have to ask demand my husband to take a break. There's so much to do that he could work through all four weeks of vacation time that he gets & never get away, but that's one of the many reasons that God gave him ME! So, after the amazing services on Sunday we were loaded up & headed out on a little vacay.

our sweet little bunny

First stop: Greenville, SC for some EASTER dinner with the Berry family!

The Berry family has to be quite intentional for us to all be able to get together. John, with his plethora of responsibilities, very rarely will agree to a 4.5 hour drive on a Sunday. However, after talking to my sister on Thursday of last week and finding out that everyone was going to be together for Easter dinner except this Berry trio, I was so happy that to hear John say, "LET'S go!" It was so nice. I've dreamed for 3 years of cousin time & though Channing has only gotten 4 opportunities for it, I've been so grateful to finally have a sweet addition to bring to the gatherings. We had a wonderful visit with our family.

 bath time!
 allie going in for the takedown
ella & channing playing

Second Stop: the beautiful mountains of Boone, NC

a beautiful view

The next morning we headed up the mountains. Channing is a champ when it comes to the car riding part of traveling. He only wanted one rest break & I really think that was so HE could get behind the steering wheel...he really is alot like his daddy.

Channing in the driver's seat
Jenny & Adam always welcome us into their home with open arms! We love them. They are special, special friends to us.

Now, the sleeping somewhere else part of traveling...not really his thing. He's a homebody in that aspect. The first night in Boone something did NOT settle well with his tummy & our sweet fella threw up over & over again, until we almost went to the ER. I'm so grateful that the Lord has blessed me with amazing friends here in Fayetteville that are always willing to help this new momma out & to use their previous nurse training  from before they were mama's! It's crazy, but I have like 5 friends who are or have been nurses! WHAT A BLESSING! Karisa, Hillary & Marcy were more than willing to answer my questions & tell me what to look for before we went to the ER which was the COMPLETE opposite of the nurseline the pediatrician has us call. These ladies bless my life so much! With their encouragement, we waited it out & overnight he improved greatly. After resting, nursing & having a wet diaper we knew that he would be fine. He woke the next morning smiley & happy!


  Marsha & Tyce ..... Marsha was my waiting partner in this whole baby thing. Both of us had difficulties conceiving. There were many days that we shed tears together, prayed together & encouraged one another that the Lord would be faithful to provide & JUST LOOK!!!!  Both of these boys are  a testement to the faithfulness of an amazing God. I miss Marsha so much & love when I have the opportunity to catch up with her! I also got to spend some time with my dear friend Lara ( we didn't get a picture). Lara is about to have baby number 2!

One of the wonderful parts of April is dollar days at Grandfather mountain. Despite the fact that we have lived in Spring Lake for over 2 years, we have not yet changed our drivers lisence. With all the endorsements John has, it would cost $250....CRAZY! But one advantage is $1 to get into Grandfather Mountain! I don't feel as bad because we do still own a home in Boone, NC! So technically, we are still residents, right?

 It was a whooping 58 degrees on top of Grandfather mountain that day! Channing didn't really care for the wind that was whipping up there, but as soon as it would die down he would lift his head & check out the view. It was a little surreal being up there with our sweet boy. We used to visit Grandfather Mountain so much & dream about the day we would hike with our kiddos up there!

Watching the otters together.
Lunch with Joe:
Joe is such a special man to John & myself. He helped us for years while we were in Boone & even now talk through ministry things. He has two kids in college & we tried to glean as much as we could from him at lunch about what he did to be successful as a parent & what he wishes he would have done. We feel like being a parent & being in ministry can be a bit tricky. Some succeed & some fail miserably. We really are trying to be very mindful of our desire for Channing to grow towards Christ, not away from Christ due to his father's position in ministry. 

We came home after a few days away & began work on our vacation project. I know, sounds crazy. More to come on that later!

1 comment:

Mark and Leah Schuurman said...

Sounds like y'all had fun! If you're ever passing though Asheville on the way to Hendersonville, you have a stopping point at Hotel Schuurman any time.