Monday, February 28, 2011

Endure the SUCK

Last night Channing was congested. SERIOUSLY congested. Honestly I've always wondered where the excess of mucus comes from? And isn't it so painful. It kept him from resting and breathing well. So of course as his mommy I wanted to help him. So I go in with the nose syringe or nose sucker as I call it for a more technical term. The kid sees it coming and immediately despite my calm tone and words to him is hating it. I'm pretty sure I heard " MAMA" as I went in for the removal of excess gunk, but I would rather not count that in my child's baby book as the first word he said during a night time torture session.  So I'm listening to my poor baby cry and flail his arms and legs as I'm trying to help him breath & I realize this is such an example of how we are with God during hard things.

I realize the things we experience are much harder but just hear me out. As Channing's mom I want nothing more than to help him. I have the foresight to see that something so painful and difficult will bring about pleasing results for him. HE is unable to see that. He is unable to understand why I would do such a thing. He fights what is good for him. FIGHTS hard and CRYS out in discontent. I know I've done that a few times during times where I felt intense pressure in my life. But as one that loves him, I press on with what is hard for his good.  And in the end the crying stops and he is able to breath and experience the benefits of the hard moments.

Last night in small group we discussed Seeing God during the hard times. We all have hard times and circumstances in our lives from time to time that cause us to question the Lord & his plan. I immediately think of our six years of infertility. Others are dealing with cancer, death of a loved one, work related issues, serious health concerns. The list is never ending. Lets face it, Jesus wasn't kidding when he said in John 16:33... " in this world you will have trouble...". But what an amazing second part to that verse. "BUT TAKE HEART! I have overcome the world." Knowing this isn't it a little easier to swallow James 1:2-4? "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." After reading that I can trust that any difficult circumstances that come my way are for my make me bring me to a place where I am ultimately lacking nothing. And God is so faithful. Now being on the other side of a very difficult six years I can say that Psalm 34:8 is right on; "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."

So as one of our friends Ben would say... ENDURE THE's for your good.