Monday, August 30, 2010

Channing's Room

We have been working & working to make a room for our new addition. It's something we have talked about for years so we were ready to dive in & now here we are 8 weeks away and we have mostly completed our project. There are a few more little projects to do, but I've got to be in the right mood to fight with the alignment of the vinyl letters :) It would have been absolutely impossible to get all this finished without my AMAZING, STUD of a husband! I'm so grateful for him & his many talents & gifts he's been blessed with!

Channing's room was the guest room. It's at the front of the house facing the street so it has great afternoon sun but the curtains & blinds can be closed to create the coziest little space & I just love it!

The cozy room at night time.

The daylight view.

A-mazing rocker that my hubby & friends from school who gave me gift cards helped purchased! It's so comfy & is complete with our first selection of books from mommy's collection. John read him 2 books last night. Daddy has already asked to be in charge of night time rocks to put Channing to bed. He can hardly wait! Gotta love a guy who's gonna be an incredible daddy!

This little guy is on one of the shelves over the rocker. John has had him since he was a little boy & he has been a constant laugh throughout our marriage because John will put him in place all over the house to 'surprise' me. One day I came into Channing's room to find him resting there.

Love this verse. It was a long project but we persevered it & looks awesome in the room! On the table is his baby book with some pages already filled out & many more memories to be recorded. Also a special frame made by Aunt Coley filled with his first profile ultrasound picture.

Love our furniture which was a gift from my Aunt.

Fresca, complete with Channing's heartbeat recorded in his hand, is waiting for a sweet little boy to drag him around!

Some of this will change as we get our changing pad and move the monitors to the rooms they will be in. To the left, on the dresser, is a tree trunk filled with stuffed animals just his size to play with.

To the left of the little rocker is his closet which is already filling up with cute, cute clothes!

Can't wait to get all these cute little outfits on him. Praying his legs will fit!!!

So ready for our little bundle of joy to come join us! He's must know it, because he's been fighting like crazy the last few days trying to get out of his cramped up space.....8 weeks to go!


Caitlin K. said...

Oh my goodness- how precious!!!! Thanks so much for sharing! Praying for you three these last weeks! Much love.

kiwi4b said...

Beautiful. The love that this child is going to grow up with brings me to tears.

Unknown said...

Perfect. Chancakes is gonna love it!

Unknown said...

Ella says she loves it, too. Allie couldn't sit still enough to look, but I'm sure she'll enjoy messing it up with him during get togethers.

Mark and Leah Schuurman said...

What an amazing room! It's super sheik! I'm so impressed that you have everything done 8 weeks before! We're due in 2 weeks and it's nowhere NEAR as beautiful as that room. Well done and well wishes in your last 2 months. :)

Candice said...

What a beautiful nursery!!! You and John did an amazing job!!! Channing is a lucky little boy to have such special parents. I love you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers these 8 weeks, give or take.