Thursday, June 9, 2011

the first of many...

Our summer is CA-RA-ZY! Last week we started it off with another first...the BEACH!!! Chan Chan loved it! I'm so thankful that he adores the water. I haven't had time to edit the bazillion pics that I took & won't have time for a bit because we are headed back to the beach tomorrow the Seniors from the youth group. We'll be home a day to do laundry & worship at church & then will head to Boone, NC with the new 6th graders! Should be loads of fun! I'm so thankful for a precious, precious son that is so laid back and relaxed. I know I couldn't do this with just ANY kid! I seriously have counted my blessings so much! He did so well as we were hanging out at the beach with the family (more pics of that to come b/c I haven't had time to get them all loaded & edited) and then with friends! Such a great first memory of the beach!

 Our sweet friends, the Hardins!

 John has been dreaming of doing this just like his dad did with him when he was small.

 The best $ I've ever spent! Channing took 2+ hour naps on the beach while momma soaked up the sun!

1 comment:

Mark and Leah Schuurman said...

That little Chan-man is a chunk of sweet goodness! How precious! By the way, you're a more trusting wife than me...that picture of him and John in the waves SCARED ME! But I'm glad to hear y'all had such a good time. :)