Monday, September 27, 2010

Reflecting on the most recent Journey....

The journey to parenthood has been long, hard at times, and down right frustrating at other times. But what GREAT JOY there is when the Lord's timing is perfect. It's amazing to think back about where I was with my Savior & where I am now because of this journey I have been on.

Waiting on the Lord is difficult. It calls you to a place within yourself that is uncomfortable & opposite than that of your flesh. It calls you to relinquish the control you believe you have but never really had if you read the scriptures, and into a place of faith- believing a God that you cannot see.

Isaiah 64:4 says " For since the world began, no ear has heard, and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait on him!"

NOW, I feel that joy of the wait almost being over, but through the wait I was less than a humble and trusting servant of Christ. There were many walls and hurts that he broke down within me during this wait. A tremendous amount of selfishness and pride and that spirit of " I DESERVE THIS".

See what this journey did for me was remind me that I DESERVE NOTHING. There is no sense of entitlement in the family of God. It's all blessing. Blessings poured out on us by a loving God. Blessings that we are called to give back to him to glorify & honor him.

As I see the end of this journey coming in the next few weeks I feel blessed that he would choose to work on me. That my Savior would want nothing more than to strip me of all that held me captive. Galatians 5:1 says " It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and do not let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." I was burdened with many yokes of slavery and through the journey I have been able to see the Lord remove the yokes I allowed to hold me captive and I now can walk in the freedom of Matthew 11: 30 knowing his "yoke is easy and his burden is light."Great joy comes from trusting that he has our plans perfected in his timing!

I don't know what you are waiting on. We all seem to wait on something throughout the seasons of life, but trust that there is great joy in the journey of waiting. Especially when we are waiting on HIM!


Mark and Leah Schuurman said...

Oh Pepper... WELL WRITTEN. It's so true how He works on us THROUGH the journey, not just at the destination. Well said. We'll be praying for patience and loving anticipation in the next few weeks for both you and John. Keep us posted! :)

Just Jac said...

The journey is always worth getting to the destination when God is in control! Love you and can't wait to read about Channing's arrival!