Sunday, September 30, 2007


As a kid John and his brother Brandon LOVED football. Loved is probably not a strong enough description of the passion and joy that they expressed over this game. They received this love and passion from their dad who loved the game just as much and had been a great athlete in his days of high school. Growing up only being 18 months apart the boys shared this passion from midget football, all the way through high school and both went on to play in college. (Each have scars to prove it!--whether they be from the field or the injuries they received on the field!)

Growing up their dad encouraged them to eat a PB&J every day because it would make them grow strong which was an obvious requirement to tackle anybody that might come in the way of the Berry Boys or Salt and Pepper! They were a team- John the quarterback and Brandon the receiver, there were many news paper articles and even school cheers created for the duo.

As the boys continued to grow their dad encouraged them that PB&J was still a daily requirement in their lives for strength and power in their walk with the Lord. PB&J had a change however and became PRAYER, BIBLE, and JESUS! Both boys grabbed hold of this and clung to the leadership of their parents. The boys were able to use this saying in the FCA at their high school and even had t-shirts with the PB&J slogan.

As John and I began to date we realized we were a PB&J. Even with my maiden name of Blevins it fit!
Even as football has now faded out from being played to only being watched it has been awesome to see each of them and how a little PB&J blesses everyday!

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